'Lil Wille

b&w black and white darkroom printing eyeseaimages foma industrial architecture industrial design orange contrast filter panorama self developed self printed triptychs
Nikon FM2
Foma Retropan 320
Nikkor 50mm f1.8
Spanner In The Works

3 ความคิดเห็น

  1. guypinhas
    guypinhas ·

    Absolutely amazing set of images!

  2. eyeseaimages
    eyeseaimages ·

    Apologies for the belated response - I appreciate your comment and your contributions to the analogue community. True photography is about capturing the light but it is often all that work in the darkroom that makes it truly shine :D

  3. guypinhas
    guypinhas ·

    @eyeseaimages I wish I could do any dark room stuff. Local place is just too messy plus limited availability makes it hard to get any results I'm happy with so I kinda gave up. However, I might be able to build a dark room in a new location. It's all about light but also about being there and having open eyes/mind. As Garry Winogrand once said "All Things are photographable". Either way, thank you for the compliment and looking forwards to your new images.

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