Hot Lobster!

i really had fun shooting this, but i am very disappointed about the development.

4 ความคิดเห็น

  1. istionojr
    istionojr ·

    azeeek mini lagi! nyekennya sengaja gini bop?

  2. bebopbebop
    bebopbebop ·

    @istionojr ini sebenernya salah yog. Di frame sebelumnya gw eksperimen nyoba panorama. Ehh frame frame berikutnya malah kegeser. Jadinya gini deh.

  3. nzuliddu
    nzuliddu ·

    Why are you disappointed with the development? I think that your photos look very nice...

  4. bebopbebop
    bebopbebop ·

    @nzuliddu thank you. I was disappointed because if you notice in my other photos, there are a lot of spots or scratches. And actually, the film was torn accidentally by the photo lab.

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