Trending Albums of 2017


Photo albums are more than just mere collections. Each serves as a silent storyteller that vividly details a photographer’s journey.

Whether it documents a simple walk around the park or compiles test shots from a new camera, each album can be considered as a milestone for a photographer. With every film roll comes new lessons and new experiences. Learn how to tell your own stories with this year's most popular albums.

Headstart to summer - A trip to Crete 2017 by antmark

Everything else by myfridayfilms

NIKON F3 by pmonroe

People by montagu

Not The Worse of October by robertofiuza

Lakeshore Condominium 2011-2016 by clownshoes

Cento volte in Piazza Volta by sirio174

Canon AE-1 Program 4 by lafilledeer

Trip to New Athos -1- /Olympus-Pen+Ilford by why-yu

See the rest of the trending photos and top-notch Lomographers in our year-end Community Recap.

2017-12-30 #community-recap #trending-albums #community-recap-2017

8 ความคิดเห็น

  1. frenchyfyl
    frenchyfyl ·

    Nice albums! Congrats to all!

  2. sirio174
    sirio174 ·

    Thanks again!

  3. tomslatin
    tomslatin ·

    Absolutely wonderful!

  4. mtsteve
    mtsteve ·


  5. jaanius
    jaanius ·

    Great albums.

  6. fragakis_p
    fragakis_p ·

    congrats to all lomo-friends! Happy New Year!

  7. icequeenubia
    icequeenubia ·

    Beautiful albums, @antmark, @myfridayfilms, @mtsteve, @pmonroe, @montagu, @robertofiuza. @clownshoes, @sirio174, @lafilledeer, @why-yu! Congratulations.

  8. pmonroe
    pmonroe ·

    Wow! Totally unexpected! :)))
    Thanks so much! @ICEQUEENUBIA
